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  • Writer's picturedee

salsa verde

Updated: Feb 15, 2021

THIS IS THE EASIEST RECIPE EVER. I learned this from my friend's aunt over the summer and it's become a staple at my house ever since. Salsa verde is a traditional mexican condiment that literally compliments everything. It is 3 ingredients, 2 steps, 1 phenomenal eat. Enjoy!


‣ 10 tomatillos

‣ 3 jalapeños

‣ 3/4 tsp of salt

Boil the tomatillos/jalapeños

The tomatillos typically come with an outer leafy shell. Just peel that off before you drop them with the jalapeños into a pot with water. Boil until the the vegetables change from the bright greens to a darker hue of green.

Drain and pulse

Drain the tomatillos and the jalapeños of water and put them into a blender with the salt. Pulse until you no longer see large clumps of tomatillo or jalapeño. Jar this green haven and put it on everything!!

My friend's aunt actually made fresh tortilla-like (I can't remember what they're called) tortilla's and topped with lettuce, beans, queso fresco, mexican crema and this salsa verde, but my family uses it in place of pickles and as a "sour" component. It also taste great with some fresh baked nachos as a condiment.

Feel free to leave comments or questions below and enjoy!

Thanks for reading!!


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