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greetings from the worst blogger

Well it's really been quite a hiatus I've taken hasn't it. I probably should start with an explanation as to what I've been up to these last few months, and what life looks like for me these next 3-4 years. And probably also a small confession I haven't really made public yet.

When I enrolled in medical school, I applied for a joint medical/doctorate degree, which means my schooling looks like this:

preclinicals (2 years) --> 3-4 years research --> clinicals (2 years)

I got about a week off in June after taking boards, but then I was right back at school completing my last lab rotation before deciding on the professor and lab I will be completing my dissertation with. I will explain this entire PhD situation, how it works, choosing a lab, and more juicy details in a separate post, but I am now fully in research mode and working towards completing my thesis.

I started this blog as a way to almost escape the monotonous life of being a medical student and having a way to express myself creatively because writing was therapeutic for me and this space was a happier sphere than reality. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect any type of school to be more exciting than this hobby of mine, but man being a graduate student is THE BEST. Being able to take some time off from medicine and venture into uncharted waters is a new adventure every day. Not to mention the other students in the program are just chill people that are fun to be around. I guess that is partially why I haven't really been posting much - I am having way too much fun in grad school.

Briefly, I joined an animal locomotion lab and our current study species are these beautiful lovebirds. My dissertation project will focus on alternative therapy for pediatric patients with cerebral palsy. Overall though, I'm 2 months into this new life and loving it. Will be better about posts moving forward, and probably post a few retrospectively.

Thanks for reading !


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