i really told myself i'd be so good and write two blog posts a month but here we are at a 8:44PM on 1/31/24 so clearly that's not happening.
so many mixed feelings at the end of the first month of 2024 because big changes are coming!! perhaps the most daunting and pressing at the moment is that my phd defense is in 29 days..... no my written dissertation is not done but – it will be :)
i actually cannot believe these three years absolutely flew by.

i started this blog as a way to keep myself sane during medical school and to find some joy through what felt like a minefield. when i transitioned into my grad years, i realized i finally found a passion and joy for a field that i just didn't find in medicine. my "work" no longer felt like a chore and i found myself diving straight into this thing called academia. nearly three years later, those feelings haven't changed, but the life ahead of me got a whole lot messier (mostly because i now have no idea what i want to be what i grow up. awesome right?)
i intend to actually keep up with this because in about a months time, i will be moving away from the place i've called home my whole life to start a post doc! the move is b i g t i m e stressing me out, but in due time it will happen. i don't really have any friends there and i'm quite worried i'll be a tad bit lonely. i am really excited though, because i will have my own space for the first time, like ever. my own kitchen (*insert eye hearts emoji here*). i want to get back into cooking and sharing recipes and really keeping this blog alive. we'll see what happens, i'm not great with new years resolutions.
next week the team and i head to the duke lemur center again for some more work with their fun animals, so as expected it is absolute chaos this week in preparation for this data collection trip. hopefully we manage.
this post was so chaotic, i'm rusty. can literally only go up from here. fingers crossed.
thanks for reading,
dee ღ